Podcast 1451: Dec. 20, 2014: Ford's New Voice, Skype Translator & Xfinity Hotspots


Happy Holidays 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Holiday Greeting 2014

The Internet Advisor Crew from our house to yours!

Today’s program has been preempted on WJR Radio Detroit by MSU basketball. However  you can still hear our 2 hour show by downloading or listening to our podcast on our homepage beginning Sun. 12/21 around 10PM.


The New Ford Sync 3 Screen

Show Notes

Hour 1


Sync 3: The New Face of Ford In-Car

Eisenstein 2Paul Eisenstein, publisher of The Detroit Bureau, The Voice of Automotive World, tells the story of Ford’s switch to QNX based Sync 3 as their new in-car communications system. After a long and painful relationship with Microsoft under the name of Ford Sync, there’s a new voice in your Ford in 2015.

Click Here to Listen to Ford Sync 3


Skype Translator: Simultaneous Translation

Chicago Commercial PhotographerMark KingCloud Architect at the Microsoft Technology Center shares the story of  Skype Translator a remarkable breakthrough in communication. Now your friend in Bogota, Colombia can talk to you in their native language, Spanish, and after a short delay…you HEAR the translation.  Then you get to talk back in English…without one day of Berlitz or Rosetta Stone  (No se puede creer…Verdad?!)  This is just the beginning. (Transcoders, Star Trekkies?!?!)

Click Here to Skype Translator

Xfinity Logo

Xfinity Hotspots: Wireless Connections Everywhere

Michelle GilbertMichelle Gilbert, VP PR Comcast Heartland Division, shares the story of the Xfinity Hotspot Network that lets customers connect with free WiFi all over the US.  Time for some good information and dispelling some of the myths. With the holidays upon us, what better way to help all those new cell phones, tablets and laptops getting online right out of the wrappings?!

For more information on Xfinity Hotspots Click Here

Click Here to Listen to Xfinity Hotspots


MiTechNews Headlines

Mike Brennan, Editor and Host of MiTechNews

Brennan Vacation

On vacation in Key West!  Reports resume 12/27/14

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Hour 2

Answering Listener Questions

Ed Rudel, Cal Carson, Foster Braun, Shane Hamelin

Ed Rudel, Cal Carson, Foster Braun, Shane Hamelin 

Click Here to Listen to Hour 2

birthday 2

Happy Birthday Shane

rick broidaClick Here to Listen to Rick Broida Zombie Update



nerds on call

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