Podcast 1425 June 21, 2014 : Mrs. Weber's Neighborhood, #SMDetroit and AT&T Hotspot

Show Notes:


Summer Social Media Daze

Emily Hay

Our social media guru and new mom, Emily Hay has been on maternity leave for the last few months but has managed to stay connected to the world of social media.  Today she introduces us to two of her friends:

 Click Here to Listen to Emily Hay and Jeff DeHaven

Jeff-DeHaven-SocialJeff DeHaven tells us about Detroit Social Media Day: June 27.  The event is designed to bring together people who are interested in promoting the use of social media throughout the Metro Detroit area. Sign up for the event.

Lauren Headshot-for-blogMrs. Weber’s Neighborhood where Lauren Weber helps young families find fun things to do during the summer and young mothers find a kindred spirit.

Click Here to Listen to Mrs. Weber’s Neightborhood

AT&T:  Hotspot, Audiovox Car Device, Amazon Fire Phone

audiovox_car_connectionTodd Lane, AT&T Regional Sales Mgr. Michigan, talks about the company’s three hot new ways of connecting with the Internet and even your car!

Click Here to Listen to Todd Lane AT&T Devices

Shardae Rudel’s London Blog

Shardae Rudel

Shardae Rudel

Follow our young heroine during her 2 month internship in London, England that began yesterday.




MiTechNews Report

Mike Brennan

Mike Brennan

 Subscribe to our co-branded MiTechNews Newsletter in  collaboration with the Internet Advisor.

Click Here to Listen to MiTechNews 6-21-14



Hour 2        Answering Listener Questions:

Gary, Fos, Shane, Ed


Join the conversation with your questions during this live segment and benefit from years of tech troubleshooting expertise. REMEMBER: The only dumb question….is the one you don’t ask!

Helpful Links from our Experts

Click Here to Listen to Listener Q&A 6-21-14


net-neutrality what you should know

Net Neutrality…Act Now

Background on the Net Neutrality Debate

Read and sign this petition to let the FCC know your position.



How to Watch World Cup Soccer Through July 13, 2013

Billions of people round the globe are focused on the world’s most popular sport, Futbol/Soccer.  If you are a fanatic or just plain curious there are all sorts of ways of watching the games or at least keeping up with the first round action and game highlights.  The IA crew talked about some of these alternatives during the program.

Click Here to Listen to How to Watch World Cup Soccer


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