Symantec calls antivirus 'doomed' as security giants fight for survival

Cyber Security Images Yellow Suits

By Zack Whittaker for Between the Lines |

Summary: The traditional antivirus is “dead” and “doomed to failure,” Symantec’s information security chief declares. Quelle surprise, considering Norton is fading into oblivion. But what next?

The antivirus giant said that end-point security technology isn’t a “moneymaker” in any way, and highlighted that the company needs to adjust and adapt.

Which isn’t a surprise for Symantec, whose Norton antivirus products have barely made any new dents in the security market in years — despite it being bundled with almost every new Windows computer as premium bloatware.

But what Dye was saying is that the malware market is dwindling and hackers are instead increasingly focusing on cyberattacks, like denial-of-service assaults, spearphishing, and network intrusion, rather than mass-emailing a crafted executable file randomly to millions — including to a burgeoining base of Mac users that are immune to such attacks.

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