How to protect yourself in Heartbleed's aftershocks


By  for Networking |

Businesses should not only know about Heartbleed, they should have already implemented Heartbleed fixes by now.  If your bank, favorite online merchant, or software provider hasn’t yet, close your accounts and find new ones. That’s my first bit of advice on how users should handle Heartbleed.

Heartbleed really is that bad. Your user-ids, your passwords, your credit-card numbers, everything you place online is potentially in play for hackers. You can not fool around with this.

So, as I said earlier, get ready to change all your passwords. Yes, every last damn one of them. Were your favorite sites vulnerable? You can check specific sites with the Heartbleed testLastPass Heartbleed checker, or the Qualys SSL Labs test. The first two just check on Heartbleed while the last checks for other possible Secure-Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) and awards sites a grade from A (the best) to F (failure).

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