Podcast 1401: Jan. 4, 2014 First Things First & Roadtreking


Show Notes:

So you got a new computer. What are the first things you should do to ensure smooth sailing? How about that old computer or laptop, is it ready for 2014?Throughout this show we will be giving you tips on how to get your  new and old computers ready for the new year.

Hour 1

PC Mike Goes Roadtreking

Super Healthy Mike Wendland

Mike Wendland, a legend in Michigan TV and Radio is also  one of the most knowledgeable  commentators on technology. Mike shares his new pursuit, taking high tech on the road in his mobile home with his wife and dog.  Follow their travels at Roadtreking.

MiTechNews Report

Mike Brennan

Weekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of MiTechNews.com, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector. This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by  the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan and Warner, Norcross & Judd attorneys at law: how well protected and capitalized is your intellectual property. . 

keep-calm-and-click-subscribe-2Subscribe to our co-branded MiTechNews Newsletter in collaboration with the Internet Advisor.


Hour 2

Gary Baker, Cal Carson, Foster Braun

Gary Baker, Cal Carson, Foster Braun

First Things First

Gary, Cal and Foster share tips on getting your new device up and running as safely as possible and ready for a successful year of computing.

Get money back for old tech:

  1. TechPayout
  2. Gazelle    

Install and Update Your Anti-Malware Program
True most new devices come with an anti-malware program installed (Norton or McAfee typically) but they are also most often trial versions that run out in 3-6 months.

  • Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) most likely has a free program tailored for their system.  Use it…for free!
  • If you are using Windows 7 download MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) free from Microsoft.  It is tailor made for Win 7.  Windows 8 already has it built into the OS!  It’s called Defender and updates almost daily.

Install Available OS Updates
You’d think your brand new computer would be fully updated but chances are it won’t be because it has been sitting in the warehouse for a few months. First things first: update the OS and all your other programs.

Create a Backup and Sign Up for an Online Backup Service
You should have your data backed up in at least two (or three) places:

  1. Local storage on a removable medium (hard drive, USB etc). Swap with another removable drive stored away from your home or office.
  2. Online backup services are combination software tools and subscription services that automatically keep the data you want protected on secure servers.
  3. Free cloud based services like iCloud, SkyDrive, Google Drive etc. often come with your OS (Apple, MS, Chrome)


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