How to Work Around Straight Talk's Lack of Visual Voicemail

Rick Broid, CNet Blogger

Rick Broida

As I mentioned in my recent post comparing no-contract iPhone options, last month I ditched AT&T in favor of Straight Talk, which gives me more or less the same exact service for considerably less money.

Just one problem: Straight Talk doesn’t support visual voice mail. In fact, on my iPhone 4S, I receive no notification whatsoever that new messages are waiting for me. It’s not often an issue, but the last thing I want is to miss an important message from a work contact or family member.

I immediately thought of YouMail, a visual voice mail service that’s actually more robust than what’s built into iOS. Alas, according to a YouMail support page, the service doesn’t work with Straight Talk (unless you’re willing to jailbreak your iPhone and monkey around with APN files).

Consequently, I’d just about written off any kind of voice mail for my iPhone. But it turns out there are two options, both of which work quite well. Here’s how to get set up with either of them:

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