Double Robot – Your Virtual Self at Work

What happens when you combine an iPad and a Segue type vehicle?  You…virtually in your office…perhaps.  Double Robot is a simple combination of an iPad mounted on a long pole attached to a mobile base that is self-propelled and controlled by the user on the other end of the line.  You can run the DR either through an iOS app on your phone or through a Chrome browser and propel it using the up, down and sideways keys on the keyboard.

Rick Broida was accosted by a disarmingly beautiful woman (virtual that is) in a Double Robot when he was at CES 2014 recently. He said that it was rather disconcerting to deal with a person inside the screen addressing him personally and requiring conversation.  The practical potential of the $2,500 machine (+ $200 charging station) is for telecommuters in office situations who want to have a presence in the company.

Fans of NCIS Los Angeles (CBS TV) will have already watched Heatie (the diminutive boss) rolling around the halls in a Double Robot.  Now, you heard it on the Internet and seen it on TV so it must be real!  ;-D

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