Podcast Sept. 15, 2012 : Connected Cars

Show Notes:

Jake Sigal, Founder of Livio Radio presents Livio Connect.
Cars are rolling computers nowadays from precision fuel injection to screens in the place of the old speedometers or touch screens where buttons once abounded.  The problem is that there are more auto operating systems than computer OS.  So how do you design applications for all of these car computers?  Enter Livio Connect!
Wearable Technology: Patrick Bertagna, Founder of the patented GPS Smart Shoe and the smart phone GPS Tracking App.
Our team of Tech ExpertsGary Baker, Ed Rudel, Shane Hamelin
Emily Hay, Social Media Expert and founder of Hay There Social Media
Erik Anderson, The Mac Minute iPhone 5 and iPods launched (Congratulations to Erik on his move to WXYZ TV, Detroit)

Sites mentioned on the show:


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