Emily Hay: Female Bloggers Blossom

Photo credit: kimberlykinrade.com

For the full article and links, click here

Today’s blog was prepared for the Internet Advisors show on WJR 760AM and on the Michigan Radio Network. You can access podcasts from themedia section of our site with content from Emily A. Hay, the show’s Social Media Contributor.

Hay There, Moms! For Mother’s Day weekend, we are celebrating some women who are passionate about social media, communicating and family.These days, passions like these can be channeled very effectively through a blog.Being a mom is not a requirement to be an exceptional female blogger; however, great bloggers are resourceful, in tune to their audience and they find a number of new and different ways to get their valuable messages out. Sounds like bloggers and parents have a lot in common!

Many female bloggers are strong communicators; they may also be sharp marketers, journalists, educators, PR professionals, and/or business owners. Today, we turn to the internet to not only find information, but to share ideas with our peers, to build friendships and establish networks on a personal and professional level. Social media savvy gals can lead significant initiatives both online and offline and even find time to help others do the same along the way. I think these women rock!

Blogs, being collaborative by nature, rally communities around common interests from parenting to lifestyle, from travel to bargain shopping. Many female bloggers begin their blogging journey with a focus in one area that dovetails nicely into another, which can even open doors to unexpected business opportunities. If you are passionate about something and you like to talk about it, you have the fundamental ingredients to be a blogger!

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, here’s a quick list of some blogs by gals demonstrating a range of topics, missions, creativity and perspectives – including some mentions of some female bloggers right here in Detroit!


  • Resourceful Mommy
    • Amy Lupold Bair
    • “Rooted in resourceful, always branching out “
    • Invented the Twitter Party – a hashtagged social event
    • Has grown a global network of social media savvy bloggers
  • The Go-To Mom TV™
    • Kimberly Clayton Blaine, Executive Producer of the “Go-To Mom™” series
    • Named one of the most powerful moms in social media by Working Mother Magazine; spokesperson for Sony Electronics, Disney Consumer Products, Lego Duplo.
    • Her original webshow, TheGoToMom.TV has captured one of the largest growing niche audiences –parents who have children birth to seven, through professionally produced yet authentic and real educational videos.


  • GoodNCrazy
    • Carissa Rogers
    • “Mom of All Trades, Jack of None” and former molecular biologist
    • Has a “Tween Series” of posts; Carissa has “…learned that conversations start with stories and explode with friendships.”
  • The Cookie-A-Day Challenge
    • Stephanie Zielinski
    • Mom of three boys baking cookies one day at a time.
    • Sharing recipes and stories of family and friends


(The next 3 mentions are Hay There Social Media team members…hey, we love what we do for clients because we do it for ourselves!)

  • Mrs. Weber’s Neighborhood
    • Lauren Weber
    • Welcome to her neighborhood!  Lauren writes about being a mom, posts *simple* recipes, tips in her Friday Fab5 and occasional giveaways and cool things happening in her neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan.
  • This Side of 30
    • Deanna Rose
    • A thirtysomething new mom in metro Detroit, Michigan, surviving in a grown-up world. Award-winning newspaper reporter.
  • Walk the Dog Midwest
    • Betsy Critchfield
    • A recent college grad, exploring the world as a pet-loving entrepreneur and marketing professional.


  • Mommy is in Timeout
    • Elena Wollborg
    • Describes herself as, “Mom to 2. Wife to 1. High school teacher by day. Binky pusher, teeth brusher & monster chaser by night. Obsessed with social media & blogging. Obviously.”
  • Glamorous Moms
    • Shannon Lazovski
    • A collaborative blog that is described as “an online magazine for moms who are glamorous inside and out”
  • Detroit Moxie
    • Becks Davis
    • She is “…excited to explore this city and the community with my husband and anyone else who would like to join me in this journey.”  You can pick up Detroit Moxie gear on her blog as well.
  • Bargain Shopper Mom
    • Melissa Buckles
    • She started the blog because she “…wanted to share all the ways I save money and you can, too.” She also uses her blog as “a space to highlight things I love and make my life easier as a mom and as a woman.”

Blogs provide an exceptional platform for people to connect and communicate using social technology.  Women are successfully gaining exponential reach by sharing their blogs on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.  This list just scratches the surface of female bloggers who are doing amazing work in the blogosphere.

Which female blogs do you love?  I look forward to sharing more!

Contributed by Emily A. Hay

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