Steve DeDoes may have lost a step since his prime…he certainly can’t fit into the same conductor’s tux he’s wearing in the photo at left (circa 1993).
The former athlete and longtime coach is now more well-known in sporting circles as “Mattie’s Dad.” However, Steve’s noteworthy musical and artistic legacy continues to grow. As the acclaimed composer-producer-performer once again turns his attention to new creative horizons, his son’s career is just starting — and not just musically.
Mattie DeDoes is at Oberlin College (OH) as a top collegiate baseball player, one with pro aspirations – this in addition to his ongoing musical and academic pursuits. “DeDoes Music” is now a father-and-son operation – one that combines Steve’s incredible artistic visions and craft with Mattie’s talent and brilliance. This young saxophonist is, simply put, one of the finest jazz-funk artists you will hear.
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