Show Notes:
The ABC’s of Twitter: Emily Hay of Hay There Social Media will conduct a course in the basics of Twitter. She promises to make it simple enough that even a grandpa like Foster can understand! ;-)) Emily will also talk about how to use Twitter effectively in business applications and the crew will discuss the different social media that they use at home and in business including:
- *Twitter’s innovative use for solving customer service issues,
- *Twitter’s impact on live conferences/events,
- *Twitter as an industry research tool,
- *”Twitter parties” for one’s business – collaborative (& even sponsorship) opportunities
Click here for Emily’s Twitter Basics outline.
Don’t forget that the second hour of our show is dedicated to answering your computer questions and talking with listeners who have emailed us their computer concerns.
Coming Dec. 3, 2011…Live broadcast on WJR with the newly revised Internet Advisor theme music: “Cutting Edge” featuring composer Steve DeDoes who created our original sound track and now is aided by his talented son Mattie. Both will be in our studios to play live and talk about the new theme for a new decade.
Podcast: November 26, 2011 (Featuring Emily Hay Teaching about Twitter)- Hour 1
Podcast: November 26, 2011 (Answering Listener Questions) – Hour 2
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