Show Notes
- Craig Newmark founder of nationally famous Craig’s List talks about his new venture Craigconnects seeks to benefit non-profits.
- DO IPADS REALLY TEACH TODDLERS TO READ? Prof. Karen Pacoriek, Dept. of Early Childhood Education EMU
- Wacky Warning Labels: Top 5 National Finalists, Bob Dorigo Jones, Northville, MI resident is president of Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch (M-LAW) and uses the contest as a way of highlighting the cost to all of us of frivolous lawsuits. Bob also has a daily 60 second radio commentary called Let’s Be Fair.
- The Mac Minute with Erik Anderson features the latest Apple Computer news including the 10th Anniversary of their Apple Stores.
Don’t forget…our second hour is dedicated to taking answering your computers questions.
Podcast: May 21, 2011 – Hour 1
Podcast: May 21, 2011 – Hour 2
Link: The Mac Minute
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