Podcast: January 29, 2011

Ed Rudel, Cal Carson, Foster Braun and Erik Anderson
Ed Rudel, Cal Carson, Foster Braun and Erik Anderson

You read that correctly, we are on for a full THREE hours this Saturday, Jan. 29.

Our first hour features reporting directly from MacWorld Expo in San Franciso with Laura Phillips, Media Director for Handeholder, the Michigan-made iPad/tablet holder that is so successful.  Mac Expert Cal Carson and Erik Anderson, host of The Mac Minute , rounds out the hour talking about up-coming Apple products and the impact that Apple is having on the PC’s that most of you use.

Best News: TWO HOURS of computer troubleshooting with Ed Rudel and Cal Carson to help you find answers to your digital dilemmas.

Podcast: January 29, 2011 – Hour 1
Podcast: January 29, 2011 – Hour 2
Podcast: January 29, 2011 – Hour 3

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