Cick here to listen to IA Tech Roundtable 7 (46 min) or right click to download.
This week’s roundtable features a frequent guest and fresh voice, Kurt Hines of VC Webdesign .
Show Notes:
- Stuxnet worm attacked Iran. It’s a modern day James Bond spy thriller without any 007’s.
- Open source drivers written for Xbox Kinect create absolutely amazing applications.
- The US government is starting to seize Peer to Peer sharing websites
- Internet Censorship One Step Closer to Law
- The rise of subscription viewing plan
- Acer laptop with TWO touch screens
- All the Roundtable experts want one thing for Christmas, can you guess what it was?
Click here to listen to IA Tech Roundtable 7 (46 min) or right click to download.
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