World Cup 2010…There's an App for that!

ESPN World Cup

I don’t know how many of you are soccer fans but I am a fanatic. I played a little in college and have grandchildren who are very good at it.  I would rather watch a 0-0 soccer match like France vs. Uruguay on Friday than most other American sports except perhaps hockey because my wife is a fanatical Red Wing supporter and we have only one TV.  Let there be peace on earth. ;-b

The point of all this rambling is that if you have an iPhone there is a free iPhone app from ESPN that will let you follow the scores at the World Cup in S. Africa and, for just $7.99 more, will give you a ton of streaming video and other extras.  So you can imagine where my money went today!  If you love soccer, the World Cup matches in South Africa are a month of heavenly competitions where the underdogs can often surprise the best teams (viz. China 1 vs. France in a “friendly” match just before the Cup began.)  The whole world is watching…join in and cheer for the U.S. vs. England today and follow there progress on this iPhone app.

Hoping to be with you all next week…Foster Braun

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