Podcast: June 26, 2010

Summer is a summer camp time… so why not a tech camp?  This Saturday we preview: Camp Infiniti, a summer camp designed specifically for Metro-Detroit girls by the Michigan Council of Women in Technology Foundation.  The girls will be challenged to design websites and conduct a robot sumo competition this coming week.

Join Foster Braun, Gary Baker and Kurt Hines, our special guest tech expert, as we interview Julie Patterson, Camp Director of Michigan Council of Women in Technology Foundation’s Camp Infinity for the past 5 years, and Marina Reyna who can talk about the camp and speak to why technology is so important for young females.

We also focus on high tech security with Jason Yaeger, from Online Tech and Adam Goslin one of the co-founders of High Bit Security, a company that specializes in helping companies keep their information safe from intruders.  These are the folks who make sure that your information stays safe in other peoples’ hands.

Erik Anderson joins us in studio with The Mac Minute.

Don’t forget, the second hour of the show is all yours.  Call us with your tech questions and we’ll find answers for you. In the meantime check out the resources on our homepage including the Forums and the Toolkit which you will find in the toolbar at the top of this page.

Links From The Show
Macboy”s iPhone 4 / iMovie Test Video

Podcast: June 26, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: June 26, 2010 – Hour 2

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