Podcast: April 17, 2010

Foster Braun, Gary (birthday boy) Baker, Ed Rudel and Cal Carson have another three hour show this week.  This is our last chance to offer you this big block of time to answer your questions about your computers and the Internet because, like the swallows returning to Capistrano, we look forward to Dr. Dean Krauskopf and the WJR Garden Show returning next week.

The guys help answer your computer questions on the show that has been pointing you in the right direction longer than any other locally produced computer program in Detroit for the last 12 years.  Where else would you find that kind of dependable expert help but on the , WJR 760 AM, The Great Voice of the Great Lakes!

Podcast: April 17, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: April 17, 2010 – Hour 2
Podcast: April 17, 2010 – Hour 3

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