Ebay Lady Shows How to Set Up Webpage

When I built eBaylady in 2003, I used their HTML builder.  They kept offering more sophisticated editing software but I was never able to import my data.  Finally, they discontinued that old editing program and now I can’t change content on my site!  Since I hardly ever teach anymore, this is not an issue.

BUT, I wanted to have some tech help for listeners.  So I created a page in my eBay store. It is loaded with the free information that I give out on the few library seminars that I do now.  It’s full of eBay-specific links for self-teaching.

So listeners can:

1) Go to www.softersilk.com.  That forwards over to my eBay store home page.
2) Look to the left in the pink column for “Store Pages”.  There is an entire page that is called “Teach Yourself The Site For Free”.

With those links, listeners will be right inside eBay, working with free educational links and absolutely ACCURATE information.  There’s nothing that will try to sell them something.  I added a bit of my own guidance to help them, with a caution about buying “success” scams.

Donna Klein

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