Archives for Tech Predictions

Foster Braun Predictions 2014

Part 1

-IA/MITechNews Combo will develop new podcast presence in 2014.

-Walled OS gardens (iOS, Android, Windows 8 etc.) will grow higher and more impregnable. Interoperability and Open Source are on life support. 

-Steven Elop will be the new CEO of Microsoft when all the dust settles.  The fix is in.
-Apple will succeed where others have failed with the smart watch.

Sad Goodbyes
-Aereo (depending on the outcome of the Supreme Court hearing in 2014)
-Facebook – will experience a HUGE loss of key user base (45-65) due to privacy, video auto play and other distractions.
-Barnes & Noble

  • Where will Nook go?

Part 2

-Google, the evil empire will rise to dominate the tech scene from mobile to OS. 
-Amazon continue to will continue to dominate the eCommerce scene and maybe even release its own smartphone as a losing cost device like their tablets.
-Microsoft Surface products will gain wider acceptance and pave the way for Win 8 in popular mind. (BIG ACHILLES HEEL: Buggy software MUST be fixed (e.g. Evernote to YouVersion Bible)
-Windows Phone 8 will entrench itself as the third operating platform through solid overseas performance.
-TV Set-top box (w DVR) is new cord

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Gary Baker Predictions for 2013

Gary Baker Technology Predictions for 2013

Well, the easiest predictions are to predict the trends that we saw in 2012 will continue in 2013 and for the most part that will be true.  It is easy to predict that we will continue to see:

·       Mobility gain more mindshare

·       The cloud being used more by even some larger businesses

·       Security breaches making headlines

·       Publicly available Wi-Fi continue to expand and become more available

·       Social media start to mature and be the place people spend the most time online

Yes, all of this will be true and the sky will continue to get darker at night too.

A little deeper look into my crystal ball reveals a few riskier predictions.

·       Mobile apps will become more hybrid.  The US will follow Europe’s lead and combine mobile websites using responsive design and HTML5 with mobile app functionality for easier maintainability.

·       BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) to work and hook it up to the corporate information will gain momentum as the security concerns become adequately addressed.

·       Sensing technology will be used in more and unique ways.  Sure Google has a driverless car and there are now refrigerators …

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