Archives for Google

Facebook gets a Facelift and Many Hate the New Look

Outrage, amusement and confusion seem to top the list of reactions to the huge changes in Facebook.  One has to wonder about the timing of Google+ in opening its doors to everyone just as Facebook is changing just about everything.  Right now outrage seems to be the sentiment of the day on my Facebook page. Foster Braun

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Everyone's Invited to Google+

Now we’re all special.  Google+ is open to one an all. Google’s attempt to challenge Facebook has been a closed party that required an “invitation” while it was in beta.  That has all changed as Google+ shifts into high gear.  Give it a try but we predict that it is going to be hard to get people to shift from long-entrenched Facebook habits!

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Bing Beats Google At Searching!

According to this article from Information Week if you want more accurate results in our searches, use Microsoft’s Bing search engine.  Personally I like to compare them side by side every now and then to compare them.  One tip for better searching is to use a complete phrase rather than just one word.  Despite the laurels for Bing, Google is still the 500 lb gorilla with nearly 80% of market.

Foster Braun

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Google Flags Malware On Searches

Not all Google news is bad news.  As mentioned on our program this past weekend, Google as found a way of alerting pe0ple who use their search engine (that’s most of us) when their is malware trying to download on our computers. Here is what the warning looks like:

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Google+ Deletions: Death Wish?

All hell broke loose the weekend of July 23 when Google abruptly started throwing people overboard on Google+. No one is safe; celebrities like Arriana Huffington, ex-Google employees and people who preferred using a pseudonym rather than their real name to protect their privacy found themselves out in the cold.  The problem is once more, not the rules Google is imposing but HOW they are implementing them!  Just when Google looked poised to make a serious dent in Facebook’s social connection supremacy, they shoot themselves in the foot and create a serious breach of trust.  Hey Google, size does not excuse bad manners and trust is the foundation of a social network.  Get it?

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Podcast: July 16, 2011

Ed Rudel, Cal Carson, Foster Braun and Erik Anderson

Show Notes:

Noted Internet Columnist Mike Elgan returns to describe his Strict Google+ Diet.  Mike has abandoned all other forms of social networking…even Skype…in favor of strictly using the tools involved in Google+ He even gave some of our guys special invites to Google+ so that we have had a chance to play with it.  Will this be the new “Facebook Killer” in the same way that Facebook dispatched My Space?  Learn about all the bells and whistles that Google+ offers for free and decide for yourself.

Cal Carson will share some of the highlights of the upcoming Mac Group Meeting.  Ed Rudel will reveal his plans for a “Survival Thumb Drive” with the essential applications for defeating your computer’s foes.

Remember the second hour of our program is all yours.  Call us with your computer problems at 1-800-859-0957!

Podcast: July 16, 2011 – Hour 1
Podcast: July 16, 2011 – Hour 2

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Google + Hits 10,000,000 Users as of July 12, 2011

Google Buzz was a bust but Google + looks like a must.  One analyst predicted that by the end of day, July 12, 2011 Google+ would have 10 million users.  Could Facebook have finally found its match?  Think of all the things that Google can integrate with Google+: immensely popular Gmail and Google Apps, which make the world go round for many businesses.  Let’s see if Google can make it work this time!

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Google+ is here. Has Facebook met its match?

Google+ arrived now the question is: Did Google get social right this time or this just another run at beating Facebook at being the social networking king?  Check out this demo of the Google+ Project.

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Google Voice to the Desktop!

For those of you who have used Google Voice on  your smartphones, we don’t have to “sell” you on the value of just talking to the Google app and having it look up an address, find a store or other location for  you.  It is a whole lot less deadly than texting while driving and light years ahead of the lousy voice recognition on the iPhone!  Check it out…Google Voice comes to the desktop or check out this Demo.

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Google Releases "Honecomb" OS

Wed., Feb 2, Google launched its eagerly awaited Android 3.0 operating system, nicknamed Honeycomb.  This sweet new system has been optimized  to work on the landslide of new tablets like the Motorola Xoom that debuted at CES in January and now are slowly starting to roll out.  The comparisons with Apple’s iOS mobile operating system are inevitable but Google is also desperate to have this operating system, tailored specifically for tablets, to terminate the iPad lead in the niche.

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