Archives for Facebook

Facebook Adds New Messaging System

It isn’t quite email, but Facebook thinks that its new messaging system, Titan, is the wave of the future for digital messaging and considering that they now daily host over 375 million message/day, they could change the way we communicate.  Don’t think that those of us who use email will necessarily give up our current clients to flock to FB but Mr. Zuckerberg is confident that texting teenyboppers will.  Here is a great explanation of the system by Rafe Needleman from CNET.

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How to Block Facebook Places

Facebook took away another piece of your privacy the other day when they activated Places which lets everyone know where you are whenever you use Facebook whether you want them to or NOT.  Mark Zuckerberg may want his buds to know when he’s using the WC but I prefer to keep that item of national security to myself.  Here are directions for removing the Places listing from your Facebook setting.

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Podcast: August 7, 2010

Our guests this week are Art and Jennie McCafferty, owners of GLSP, a media company that publishes travel and sport related content in print, online and video.  During the past 10 years they have produced over 3500 videos, 1404 on You Tube alone, for their five online television channels. They will  speak about how publishing has been impacted by the modern communication technologies as well as their impact on the sports of golf and running.

Erik Anderson brings us the latest Apple news with The Mac Minute.  And as always the second part of the show is all about you and your questions. Don’t forget to visit our Internet Advisor Facebook page for interesting stories that our hosts collect during the week from the world of technology.

Remember to visit the Internet Advisor Forums any time you have a tech question;  lots of people are just waiting to pitch in and help you with your problems any day of the week.

Podcast: August 7, 2010 – Hour 1
Podcast: August 7, 2010 – Hour 2

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