Archives for Android

Google Nexus 6 Featuring Android Lollipop


Google’s latest flagship phone is finally here. But instead of holding a press event like years past, the tech-giant announced its newest Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 tablet today, via an online press release. The device starts at $649 (32GB) and $699 (64GB). Preorders begin Wednesday, October 29, and it will land in stores in November. You’ll be able to buy the phone unlocked, with a service contract, or through monthly carrier installments.

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Microsoft: Bye Bye Android

CNET by  July 17, 2014 6:31 AM PDT

Microsoft exec Stephen Elop is making it abundantly clear: Microsoft has no intention of staying in the Android business.

In a memo emailed to employees on Thursday, Elop said Microsoft’s devices business will concentrate “on the areas where we can add the most value” and noted that Nokia X smartphones, which run on heavily modified versions of Android, will migrate to Windows Phone.

“We plan to deliver additional lower-cost Lumia devices by shifting select future Nokia X designs and products to Windows Phone devices,” Elop, executive vice president of Microsoft Devices & Services, wrote in his memo to employees. “We expect to make this shift immediately while continuing to sell and support existing Nokia X products.”

Nokia’s X line of devices was the company’s attempt to attract more budget-conscious customers to its platform. This was also a major story in the ongoing Microsoft-Nokia saga, since it ran on Android — Microsoft’s chief competitor in the mobile market. It was initially believed that Microsoft would stick with Android on Nokia X devices, but according to Elop, the cheaper end of the smartphone market is a key area of growth …

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Malware authors target Android phones

by  May 13, 2014 12:32 PM PDT

Researchers report the number of malicious apps available on the Google Play store continues to grow. Your best defense is a security app, a cautious approach to downloads, and a close eye on your bank and credit card statements.  Suddenly the cost of being the most popular platform for smartphones is rising.

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iPhone Marketshare Shrinking

Lawrence Whitney, CNet News

Apple’s smartphone sales have risen following the release of the iPhone 5S and 5C. But its rivals have chipped away at the company’s longer-term market share, according to market researcher Kantar Worldpanel ComTech.

Looking at the global smartphone market for the three months ending November 2013, Kantar found that Apple’s share had dropped in almost all regions compared with the same period in 2012. During that stretch, the iPhone’s market share fell by 9.9 percent in the US, by 6.5 percent in the European Union Five, and by 1.5 percent in China.

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Android Trojan spreading via mobile botnets



Steven Vaughn-Nichols, ZDNet

Being biggest isn’t always the best thing.  Android dominates the smartphone ecosphere but that just makes it the biggest, most obvious target for hackers and they are paying attention. Now there is a report that:

Kaspersky Lab is reporting that “For the first time malware is being distributed using botnets that were created using completely different mobile malware.


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Podcast 1334 Hour 1 Aug. 31, 2013: Fall Tech Roundtable

tech storm

Hour 1 8/31/13

It’s the last gasp of summer and the calm before the gadget hail storm predicted for fall 2013. Our technology team ponders what the playing field will look like this fall after some big changes.

Gary, Ed, Cal, FosterShane Hamelin, CompuQuest Tech Expert

  • Will Apple’s show on Sept. 10 recapture the magic that seems to have gone.
  • What will Microsoft look like post-Balmer?
  • Windows 8.1 and the new Surface computers
  • Wearable computing a fad or the future?
  • Is there a tablet in the future of most Windows XP users?

Phil Little

Joining our tech panel: Phil Little, President and CEO Synthacon, high tech consultancy.

3D Scanning and nano helicopters are just some of his interests.

Hex Nano copter: Kickstarter campaign raised 1,000X what they asked for.

Leap Motion: Interactive 3D Technology now available at Best Buy

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector.

This MiTechNews report with Mike Brennan is brought to you by Mophie.Com, the maker of the iPhone juice pack, and the Engineering Society of Detroit, representing 16,000 engineers in Southeast Michigan. 

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11 Ways to Fight Android's Data-Sucking Data Demons

AT&T’s Data Stick Up

I got Samsung Express (Android) phone from AT&T for my wife  because it was nearly impossible to read the small screen on her feature phone.  Time to step up in the world except, thanks to Android and AT&T, we stepped into Android Data Death Trap.

I thought I had done everything to shut down data-sucking apps like ESPN because the hockey season was over and Ginny wouldn’t Jones until the leaves fell again. Surprise, surprise…I just paid over $200 for our combined AT&T bill because she had inadvertently gone over her 350MB cap.  How?  Actually she didn’t, an app running in the background did and AT&T merrily nailed us for $20 for the overage.

Fighting Android’s hidden data-sucking demons

As a public service I am publishing this great article about stopping Android’s runaway data consumption.   Don’t let the Telco’s steal your hard earned dollars without a fight by using the 11 tips in this story.  Meanwhile, I’m thinking of reinstalling the Princess Phone on an old POTS line.

Foster Braun

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Podcast 3/23/13: Frankenphone and Hotmail Mess


Show Notes:


Apple commentator Andy Inhatko created a storm among Apple fanboys when he wrote: Why I am switching from iPhone to Android.  Heresy!  Cool people just never do this! (Read heavy irony).  But seriously, how do you chose the best platform for you.  Our panel will discuss the pro’s and con’s of each system to help you decide.

  • Foster Braun has used Windows Phone 7, Nokia 900 exclusively for the last 8 months. Still has an iPhone
  • Ed Rudel is pure pragmatist.  He’ll use whatever the company (GM) gives him which currently is Android.
  • Cal Carson is our representative of the enlightened Apple super user. iPhone for him, what else?

Hotmail…Hot Mess

Microsoft has been migrating users from their legacy Hotmail system to Outlook’s new look.  Long time users are outraged. What can you do about this and is the change all bad?

Mike BrennanWeekly feature with Mike Brennan, editor and publisher of, highlighting technology headlines from Michigan and around the world that impact of our state’s growing high tech sector.


Hour 2: Answering Listener Questions.

Email  your questions to us by going to the Contact Us button on our home page.  It’s

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Android Apps to Help With Fuel Economy

Here is a listing of a wide range of Android apps to help you keep track of your fuel economy.

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Amazon Unleashes Mighty Music Cloud Power

I am right now loading my Cloud Drive with all the music on my computer.  When it is done (in a couple of hours) all my legally obtained music will be stored in the cloud (aka. Amazon’s server) and I will be able to stream any of my music to any device or computer I want…except my iPhone!  Only Android phones can play the music right now.  This is a huge revolution.  Read the full article.

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