Podcast 1618 Merit Turns 50 and Executive Connection Summit WJR 760 AM

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Show Notes:

Hour 1

MERIT and the founding of the Internet 50 years ago

[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”black” border_width=”3″][vc_column_text]joe_sawasky_photoJoe Sawasaky, Pres. and CEO of Merit, joins the Internet Advisor to both reminisce about the remarkable history of this pioneer organization and the new directions in which it is heading.  



Joe_Adams_01Dr. William J. “Joe” Adams, leads Merit’s R & D program aims at performing ground-breaking research that would benefit Merit’s Members, Michigan and the society. The group currently focuses on Internet measurements that provide insights into the evolution of the Internet and the adoption of new protocols, on network security, and on the development of tools that can help network operators better monitor and secure their networks.



Cyber Ranges are the new thrust of Merit and Joe will detail how they are helping private and public sector groups beat the bad guys at their own game.

Click Here to Listen to Merit Turns 50 and Future[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”black” border_width=”3″][vc_column_text]


Maris BahnMarisa BahnIT Business Development Manager, General Motorsjoins Gary and the techs to talk about the upcoming Michigan Council of Women in Technology Executive Connection Summit.  This powerful gathering of some of the area’s top women in technology will feature such notable figures as Mary Barra, CEO and Chairman of GM and Beth Niblock, CIO, City of Detroit.

Click Here to Listen to Marisa Bahn

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Show Notes

Hour 2

Listener Questions and Answers

Gary, Ed, Cal, Foster 2011 Call 800 859-0957

The last hour of our show is dedicated to answering listeners’ random questions called in on 800 859-0957.  If you want to submit a question after we are off the air, use the comment box at the bottom of this page or click on the Contact button at the top of the page.

Click Here to Listen to Hour 2 Listener Q&A[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

MiTechNews Headlines for May 7, 2016

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