Monthly Archives January 2013

Cal Carson's Predictions for 2013

Tech Predictions for 2013


1)   Despite the growing proliferation of set top TV content alternatives ( Roku, Apple TV, …) On Air, Cable, and satellite will still be the predominate sources for content.

2)   A manufacturer will break the 100 inch LED flat screen barrier by the end of 2013. Paving the way for full size wall panels in the coming years.

3)   There is talk that Apple is making a product that will compete with the Sony Smartwatch in function. Oh you have heard of the Smartwatch? Anyway, if Apple proceeds with this product, I predict that this will be the first product that Apple puts out that will not be as popular as any of the previous innovations. I also think that the public at large is not interested in a watch when every one has the time on their phones. This is a product that is reduced to a very small segment of the population.

4)   RIM will return as a contender in the mobile communications game. It will gain ground and be at par with the Windows Phone by end of 2013 with the introduction of Blackberry 10 O/S.

5)   Apple will continue to set …

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Ed Rudel Predictions 2013

1.Mobile devices will continue their march towards dominance. Mobile web access will overtake the PC.  Mobile Security will need to be ramped up and the continued expansion of Internet served / time based usage applications, Like Office 360, and private corporate app stores become mainstream.

2.Flexible or curved touch screens flood the market. These could be cell phones, tablets or coffee makers.

3.The 4gb cpu clocking barrier will be passed on consumer based Intel CPUs – These will require transistors based on the 14nm manufacturing process (carbon atoms are .34nm wide). Chips on the market in 2010-2012 use 22nm manufacturing.

4.Some of our favorite online video streaming sites and providers will be gobbled up by some big corporations and start charging fees similar to cable and satellite tv subscriptions. History has shown that when a technology reaches a point where even grandma can use what use to be geeks only territory then someone comes along to cash in.  So much for cutting the cord.

5.IOS will be hit by a major virus – Apple will take too long to patch the security vulnerability and hundreds of apple users will cry foul.

6.Microsoft gamble on Windows 8 and the MUI desktop …

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CES Preview: Not the Greatest Show on Earth…just one of the biggest!

The Consumer Electronic Show (CES)  has come to a pivotal point in its existence:

  • Microsoft will not longer give the keynote speech or even be present (holding their own events throughout the year like Apple) and
  • Many of the mobile developers are holding out their devices (new smartphones/tablets/phablets etc.) for the Mobile World Congress in Spain this coming February.

There will still be lots to see and talk about and our Gadget Man, Rick Broida, will be there and reporting back to us on all the gadgets he gets his hands on.

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PC Sales Slump in Late 2012

Is this further proof that we are living in a post-PC world?  Not necessarily according to ZDNet blogger Ed Bott.  The issue may have more to do with ailing international markets and the fact that PC’s aren’t as “sexy” as tablets and smartphones and are a lot harder to wrap at Christmas!

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Podcast Jan. 5, 2013: Crystal Ball Gazing 2013


The Annual Predictions Show

Show Notes:

Ed’s Predictions for 2013

Cal’s Predictions for 2013

 Shane’s Predictions for 2013

Foster’s Predictions for 2013

Hour 2: Live Call In

Shane Hamelin, CompuQuest Tech ExpertCompTech Services:

 (586) 697-3886 Visit Shane Hamelin and his colleagues in Sterling Heights, MI for your computer service needs (personal or business).

For live show listeners, call 800-859-0957 toll free during the show.

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Podcast 1/05/13

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